Tuesday, June 12, 2012


The other day around five in the morning I was woken up by my bed shaking. At first I just thought I was feeling things or I was still half asleep, or dreaming. But soon after the shaking became more and more violent. As I sat up in bed and looked around I realized that I wasn't imagining things and that my entire room was shaking not only my bed. I was still half asleep so I was super confused on what was going on hahaha it wasn't until after the shaking stopped that I realized I had just sat through an earthquake. That was the first earthquake I had ever experienced so I wasn't sure what I should do so I just went back to sleep. Later that morning I asked Joe if he felt the earthquake too, he said he did but he thought he was dreaming ha! So we decided to check online really quick to double check if it was really an earthquake or if we were just imagining things. Apparently the earthquake was a 6.0 I guess thats a decent sized quake from what I'm told.

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